Project Description
2010 FIFA Preliminary Draw Cocktail and Banquet
This exquisite Cocktail Party and Gala Dinner took place at the ICC during the week of the 25th November as two of the highlights of series of events. Guests that attended were close to 3000 in number for the Cocktail and 300 for the Dinner and included national and international VVIP’s. This event was the perfect setting to celebrate the success of the Preliminary Draw event which ended moments before and incorporate both KZN’s and the SALOC’ s objectives and core messaging in a creative and dynamic way. All décor and entertainment elements were in keeping with a strong, stylish Afro-Chic mode.In order to accentuate the Afro-Chic glamour and showcase Africa’s true renaissance glory, the setting needed to reflect that creative spirit prevalent throughout the continent. The sense of unity and flow that’s symbolic of Africa’s coming together for the 2010 World Cup was reflective in the circular design within the setting.